Service Flow Rental Products Target Users and Service Inquiry

Service Targets, Service Content and How to Apply

Evangelical Lutheran Church Social Service – Hong Kong (ELCSS-HK) has a rental service team (RST) under the Jockey Club “age at home” Gerontech Education and Rental Service. RST aims to provide professional assessment, advisory and Gerontech product recommendation, prescription, as well as follow-ups with service users.

Service Target
All elders aged 60 or above (Prioritizing newly hospitals discharged elderly patients, elders living with spouse only and those living alone, and those with the needs of long-term care).
Service Content
By providing service users with the appropriate assessment on their self-care capacity, health status, physical function, cognitive ability, and home environmental hazards, Gerontech products for mobility, electric nursing beds, and shower chair etc. will be prescribed for them. Their carers can also try out products that facilitate their caring and daily living in the home setting, to promote "aging at home." RST will also provide regular case visits and follow-ups as well as recommend more appropriate Gerontech products if there is any critical change in service users' situations.
(中文) 服務收費
(中文) 器材租金:
- 每件器材均有指定租金,租金按月計算。
- 運輸及上門安裝教學服務收費不包括在租金內。如有需要,請向職員查詢相關服務。
- 鳴謝香港賽馬會慈善信託基金捐助,符合以下資格人士均可享有租金資助。
資助類別A:正在領取綜合社會保障援助(綜援)計劃 或 高額傷殘津貼
資助類別B:正在領取長者生活津貼(長生津)或 普通傷殘津貼

- 每程送貨及回收服務,將分別收取$300
- 如器材租賃超過 3 個月、「先租後買」,則可豁免該器材的回收運輸費 ($300)
- 客戶亦可選擇到火炭清潔及保養服務中心自行領取器材(必須預約)

職業治療評估服務收費(每次 1 小時):
上門服務 $1300
中心服務 $800

資助類別A :正在領取綜援 或 高額傷殘津貼
上門 / 中心服務均一收費$80(1 小時)
資助類別B:正在領取長生津 或 普通傷殘津貼
上門 / 中心服務均一收費$480(1 小時)
How to Apply
Call 3153 5252 or visit the Jockey Club "age at home" Gerontech Education and Rental Service Centre in person for more information.
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