Ageing can lead to physical changes, often compromising the swallowing function in elders and causing stress for their carers. With this in mind, Jockey Club “age at home” is organising an exhibition “Eating Made Easy with Gerontech” to help people understand more about dysphagia.
The exhibition will explain dysphagia from a medical perspective and introduce soft diets. We will also showcase gerontech equipment/devices for dysphagia rehabilitation. Jockey Club “age at home” works with different organisations to curate workshops for people to understand dysphagia through first-hand experience. Simple dysphagia tests will also be offered to those in need with follow-up support.
Date: From now to mid-June
Venue: Jockey Club "age at home" Gerontech Education and Rental Service Centre (Address: Unit No. 2, Mezzanine Floor, Yu Chui Shopping Centre, 2 Ngau Pei Sha Street, Siu Lek Yuen, Sha Tin, N.T.)
Opening Hour:
(Monday – Friday) 10:00a.m. – 5:00p.m. (Lunch hour: 1:00p.m. – 2:00p.m.)
(Saturday) 10:00a.m. – 1:00p.m.
Close on Sundays and public holidays
*“Eating Made Easy with Gerontech” Exhibition and Jockey Club “age at home” Gerontech Education and Rental Service Centre will now open to visits by appointment . All are welcome to contact with us for details by phone or email.(*Appointment on the current day is also open)
Tel:3153 5252