"age at home" eNewsletter
2022 / Issue 3
Gerontechnology is here to make life easier for you, but only if you clean and sanitise your equipment correctly. This is particularly important during the pandemic, and the Jockey Club “age at home” Gerontech Education and Rental Service (Jockey Club “age at home”) takes it seriously by setting up Hong Kong’s largest Gerontech Cleaning and Maintenance Service Centre. We provide comprehensive and meticulous cleaning services for gerontech equipment to give our users greater peace of mind. In this issue of “age at home”, we will walk you through every step of our cleaning and maintenance line and introduce you to our disinfection service that is open to all.
Our process begins as soon as the equipment leaves the homes of our users and arrive at our centre. Each piece of equipment follows a unidirectional movement that breaks down into seven disinfection steps to prevent cross infection:
A swab sample test confirmed that our specialist equipment cleaning procedure effectively kills 99.9% of bacteria on equipment surfaces.
To maximise our resources, especially during the pandemic, we have expanded our service to include individual and group. “Assistive Equipment Cleaning and Disinfection Service” is designed for all citizens, social welfare organisations and elderly homes among different organisations across Hong Kong that require cleaning services for their wheelchairs, walking frames and shower chairs, etc. The fee for each piece of equipment is between $50 and $85 (special offers available for non-profit organisations). Door-to-door delivery is provided for group orders to streamline the logistics. If you’d like to learn more, click below to watch the video!
If you’d like to book our service, please call 3892 7000 or email us at cmsc@ageathome.hk. If you belong to a group, you can fill in this Application Form and email it to us.
In the last few months, Jockey Club “age at home” welcomed two interns, Coco and Eunice, to the team. They are now studying Applied Ageing Studies and Service Management at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. They joined Jockey Club “age at home” to learn more about gerontechnology and our elderly services to prepare for their career ahead.
So why did they pick Jockey Club “age at home”? Since learning about ageing, Coco and Eunice have come to appreciate the importance of gerontechnology as the physical health of seniors regresses due to old age. During their internship, they were exposed to different areas of work, such as interviewing our users, conducting market research, and designing promotional materials for our gerontech exhibition. They had gotten a taste of what it is like to work in the field of gerontech.
As they wrapped up their internship, the girls shared their insights and observation with us. According to Coco, “empathy is the prerequisite for joining the industry. We have to acknowledge that the elders have very different needs from us. For example, I thought with subsidy, they would be able to get the (gerontech) equipment they need with ease. But little did I know a few hundred dollars would already deter them from getting the equipment. Only with empathy can we understand the viewpoint of the seniors and their carers so that we can improve our services.” Eunice thought that patience was equally important, especially when the elderly often suffer from hearing loss and a decline in cognitive ability. Sometimes, we might have to repeat the same thing four to five times to ensure clear and effective communication.
It looks like Coco and Eunice have learnt much from their experience here. We hope to see them again in the near future, serving the elderly of Hong Kong and injecting new ideas into the industry.
Did you know that a smart home is more than convenience but a safer option for the elderly? The Jockey Club “age at home” Gerontech Education and Rental Service Centre is running a thematic exhibition named “Smart Home and Healthy Living”to give elders and their carers tips on creating a safer and, better home in the future.
The exhibition covers all the benefits of a smart home, i.e. round-the-clock health and activity monitoring for greater protection and peace of mind for the carers; telehealth services, entertainment and socialisation for the health and mental benefit of our elderly. On a grander scale, smart homes can make a city smarter by relieving the pressure exerted on Hong Kong's health care system in the face of an ageing population.
Our smart home equipment is another highlight where viewers are encouraged to touch and feel the equipment to better understand the benefits they bring. 13 types of smart home equipment are showcased, such as the smart mattress that records the sleeping patterns of our seniors and their sleep quality, smart mirrors that double as a mini computer, an automated activity monitoring system and smart belt that prevents falls.
Join us to build a smart home for your beloved ones!
Date: July - 15 October 2022
Venue: Jockey Club "age at home" Gerontech Education and Rental Service Centre (Address: Unit No. 2, Mezzanine Floor, Yu Chui Shopping Centre, 2 Ngau Pei Sha Street, Siu Lek Yuen, Sha Tin, N.T.)
Opening Hours:
(Monday – Friday) 10:00a.m. – 5:00p.m. (Lunch hour: 1:00p.m. – 2:00p.m.)
(Saturday) 10:00a.m. – 1:00p.m.
Closed on Sundays and public holidays
* “Smart Home and Healthy Living” Exhibition and Jockey Club “age at home” Gerontech Education and Rental Service Centre is now open to visits by appointment. All are welcome to contact us for details by phone or email. (*Same-day appointments are also accepted)
Tel:3153 5252
We’ve received a lot of enquiries from seniors and their carers about different gerontech equipment and how they might fit into their daily lives. With this in mind, we decided to introduce our equipment offerings from this issue of “age at home” onwards, so you may set up a safer home for the elderly.
Sitting up in bed could be a strenuous task for some elderly. In this issue, we’d like to introduce Powered mattress – LM, an electronic mattress pad that provides extra support around the back and leg areas using a remote control. The back can be lifted up to 60° and the legs up to 30°, giving the senior complete control. The mattress is exceptionally sturdy around the edges, allowing the senior to sit up with ease.
This equipment looks like any other mattress with the motor hidden deep within. It doesn’t require an extra support frame or alteration of the senior’s current bed frame, making it a welcoming and effortless addition. If you’d like to find more information, click to watch the video guide.
What more would you like to learn about our equipment? Let us know what you think, and we'll gather more information.